"Why are you cast down, O my soul? And why are you disquieted within me? Hope in God; for I shall yet praise Him, the help of my countenance and my God" - (Psalm 42:11).
The other day when I was getting dressed I picked up a garment to put it on and noticed the zipper was stuck. Being somewhat in a hurry, I tugged at the zipper trying to force it to move in either direction, but only made it worse. It was frustrating that this little zipper was taking up so much of my time. I stopped to examine the zipper more closely to determine where it was stuck, then proceeded to pull and tug on it, back and forth even harder—still it would not budge. My frustration was beginning to rise to a level of rage. This stuck zipper was holding me back from what I had planned to do. It was ruining my carefully laid out plan for the attire I wanted to wear, and making me late for the engagement I wanted to attend. Not only was the zipper was stuck, but so was I.
Like that zipper, we see people every day who are stuck in life. Stuck because of things they've done to themselves. Stuck because of things others have done to them. Stuck because they can't figure out a way to get unstuck, so they stay stuck. And remain stuck for years and years.
Does that sound like you? There's hope. Nothing will change until you get tired of being stuck, and decide you want to be free. Back to the example of the zipper. After I calmed down and stopped tugging the zipper back and forth, back and forth, it dawned on me that there was only one way to free that zipper, and that was to keep moving it forward. I realized in doing that the zipper would free itself from the point where it was stuck. Moving it backward and forward had only made things worse. The solution was simple—don't go back, move forward.
Like the zipper, you may be stuck in a place or a situation that you need to get out of, or one from which you think you can't escape or change. It may be a job, a family situation, a run-in with the legal system, a medical crisis, a crisis of faith or any number of things holding you back from making forward progress. And perhaps you think there is no way things are going to change or get better. You've become discouraged and, now the enemy has you right where he wants you. Things are bound to go downhill from here.
The moment you give in to being stuck you will remain stuck, unless—
you start moving forward against the thing or situation that has you bound. Make up your mind that you will no longer remain in the same dry place where you are today. Do whatever is necessary to move forward one step at a time. You may need help doing it. Seek out the help you need. Don't say you can't because you can. As my mother used to tell me, "There's always a way."
There's no shame in being stuck. You may be stuck, but you don't have to stay there. At peacewithGod.net you just may find the answer you've been searching for to help you get unstuck.
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