Tuesday, September 18, 2018

The Sting of Rejection

He [Jesus] had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him. He was despised and rejected by mankind, a man of suffering, and familiar with pain. Like one from whom people hide their faces he was despised, and we held him in low esteem. Isaiah 53:3 NIV

Nothing hurts worse in this life than being rejected. Rejection is the ultimate 'put down' whether you're the one doing the rejecting, or the one being rejected. Rejection makes you feel unloved, unwanted, unappreciated, inferior, inadequate, worthless. Rejection can cause some people to become suicidal. Rejection hurts like a sucker punch to the stomach. And no matter how long ago it happened, the sting of rejection can linger for months, even years.

Rejection sticks out like a sore thumb. We see it on the faces of desperate people who spend their life on the streets. We see it in the self-destructing behavior of people who abuse harmful substances that they know can kill them. We see it in the actions of people who engage in criminal and other anti-social behavior without remorse. 

Rejection can take many forms— like being rejected in the womb, rejected at birth, rejected by family or friends, rejected for a job, rejected because of your race, religion, or physical appearance. The list of ways to be rejected is endless. Maybe you have been rejected at some point in your life, and it turned your world upside down. Maybe it’s been years, and you’re still struggling to get back on your feet. The promises you made to yourself to turn your life around haven’t been kept.

You are not alone. Jesus was the most rejected man in the history of the world. The Bible says that "He [Jesus] was despised and rejected by mankind, a man of suffering, and familiar with pain." Sound like you? 

Being rejected didn't stop Jesus from fulfilling his purpose in life which was to die for the sins of the world. Christ's ultimate victory over rejection means that anyone who faces rejection —past, present or future—can look to Jesus Christ for healing and acceptance. 

It doesn't mean that you'll never face rejection in some form ever again; but if and when you do you'll be stronger, better able to handle it with Christ in your corner. Those persons who rejected you may never change their attitude, but you can change. When you know who you are in Christ, you can forgive those who rejected you and move on. Today is the day you throw off the chains of bondage that have held you a prisoner of rejection. Declare your freedom now with this simple prayer

Dear Jesus, thank you for not rejecting me. Thank you for loving me and dying for my sins. I need you in my life. I am so sorry for the way I've lived and the things I've done. Please forgive me and help me to live the way you want me to. I put my life in your hands. Thank you God for forgiving me and giving me the gift of eternal life in Heaven when I die. 

To learn more about what awaits you as a new believer in Jesus Christ, go to peacewithgod.net  Friends are waiting online to help you. Need prayer? They can help there too.

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