You see, our nation has had an incredible, unprecedented impact on the world, both for good and evil, and if America has a complete moral and cultural collapse the ripple effect will be felt around the world. —Dr. BrownThe ripple that started in America is spreading rapidly to cities around the globe. It's commonplace nowadays to see images of the gay lifestyle and see openly gay characters portrayed on television and in social media, movies and commercial advertisements, often with implicit sexual overtones. More and more businesses and commercial interests are displaying the rainbow flag or its colors in a welcoming nod to the LGBTQ community. The rainbow flag has become a strategic weapon in the arsenal of the gay rights movement.
Historically, flags have either symbolized the conquest of an enemy after a war, or been used as markers to indicate territorial rights to occupied land. Similarly, the rainbow flag is a symbol of conquest and of victory in recognition of gays having fought for and won their place in mainstream society. The rainbow flag is both a visual and a visceral sign of the gay community's growing influence in our society. On a recent trip to London, Lisbon, Barcelona and Tel Aviv, the rainbow flag was prominently displayed nearly everywhere I went, including atop some government and public buildings, in the windows of homes, and on commercial and business establishments. And as if that weren't enough, pride organizers pushed to have the rainbow flag flown atop American embassies abroad during gay pride month, but were denied by the State Department. Still some embassy officials defied the order and flew the flag anyway. The U.S. embassies in Israel, Germany, Brazil, and Latvia are among those embassies that requested permission to fly the rainbow flag on their flagpoles.
One has to wonder, where is this all leading? What does the gay community really want? What's behind the gay agenda?
Nothing so far would suggest that the gay community is satisfied with cultural acceptance, protected class status under the law, or having certain equal rights on par with heterosexuals. Of course not, they want much more. Ultimately, gays want to transform America into a pro-gay society with all the rights and privileges this would entail. Could this really happen? Some like social analyst James R. Aist say the possibility is there:
The ultimate and most all-encompassing goal of the gay agenda is to force our society to fully accept their lifestyle as morally, socially, and religiously equivalent to the heterosexual lifestyle. This goal is for not only acceptance, but also affirmation and celebration of homosexual behavior as normal, natural, healthy and desirable.So what's their plan? Gay strategists, Marshall Kirk and Hunter Madsen, outlined the agenda for gay activism some 25 years ago in a gay magazine article entitled, "The Overhauling of Straight America." In the article, Kirk and Madsen suggests a series of strategies aimed at "desensitizing the American public concerning gays and gay rights." Gay activists have been employing the strategies laid out by Kirk and Madsen with good results. According to the plan, gays have been manipulating the attitudes of heterosexuals from being adverse to 'gay rights' to being staunch defenders. And we see this happening now. Gay activists tell us that they simply want the same right as heterosexuals to love who they want. Unfortunately, it doesn't stop there. They also want our children. Gay writer Daniel Villarreal wrote in Queerty magazine:
They accuse us of exploiting children and in response we say, “NOOO! We’re not gonna make kids learn about homosexuality, we swear! It’s not like we’re trying to recruit your children or anything.” But let’s face it—that’s a lie. We want educators to teach future generations of children to accept queer sexuality. In fact, our very future depends on it.
I and a lot of other people want to indoctrinate, recruit, teach, and expose children to queer sexuality AND THERE’S NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT. —Queerty, May 2011Having influence over the sexual development and natural selection of pre-adolescents is a perfect strategy for gays because it ensures the continuation of homosexual ideals and practice into future generations.
What can stand in the way of the gay community achieving everything it wants?
To gay America, Christians pose the biggest threat to homosexuality achieving total acceptance by the Church. Christian opposition to the gay lifestyle is based on scripture that condemns sexual acts between persons of the same sex. Understanding this, Kirk and Madsen devised a strategy to cause division among churches along denominational lines over their interpretation of the scripture and acceptance of homosexuality. Some denominations going so far as to allow homosexuals to hold leadership positions in the church, while others strictly forbid even church membership. To further neutralize opposition, gays have branded Christians as homophobic, and have filed lawsuits against Christians who refuse services to homosexuals that conflict with their religious beliefs. All of this is intended to silence the objections about homosexuality from within religious circles. As a result, fewer church leaders and pastors are speaking out against homosexual behavior whether in society, or in their own congregations. As long as mainstream churches are divided in their views about homosexuality as sin, they will never be able to present a united front against the practice, which is exactly what gays want.
How should Christians respond to the gay agenda?
The answer is "the same as Christ would." Jesus Christ condemned sin of all kinds, but never the sinner. And those whom He freed from their sins were told to 'Go and sin no more.' As followers of Christ, we are not under denominational constraints. We can choose to follow Christ instead of man. Those of us who have received God's grace for our own sins, should extend that same grace to the homosexual who is no different from us in his or her need of the Savior and of salvation. Jesus promised He would settle everything when He returns. In the meantime, we are to continue sharing our testimony about God's love and mercy for all sinners, and lead those who would seek Him to find peace with God.
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